Monday, December 29, 2003

Day of the Ass Clown:

God Scot Lehigh must've been pissing his pants in sheer glee yesterday.
His paen of praise to Governor Decaf was the feature article in this Sunday's Boston Globe Magazine.
Big frickin' whoop, Scot spun the deposition of Billy Bulger and the Governor's acquisition of new budget cutting powers into a irresistible march to glory before which all must bow.
He also asserted without much evidence, that Romney was "sweeping out" the bureaucracy of all it's encrusted political appointees.
And yet I haven't heard about Joe Lawless suddenly clipping coupons and Dollar Bill Monahan's law suit against the state hasn't been dropped either.
More than likely all those Swift-ites and Cellucci holdovers who are being broomed out of governance will be replaced with loyal Romneyans.
When that happens you can bet Scot Lehigh will pass over this in silence...his loyalty is ever to the appearance of the Kolobian Viceroy's reforming zeal.
Scot just like the sound of the word reform-reform-reform being said over and over again....that is all.
Whether or not any reforms are achieved is another matter...something for policy wonks to worry about , hipster columnistas like Scott can't be bothered.
The problem with Scot is, he fancies himself a suburban independent.
And the problem with suburban independent's these days is that they are given to bargaining away everyone else's freedoms to secure their own good fortunes.
Thus we end up with Romney with his cabinet loaded with arrogant weirdos, utopian uplifters and warrior CEOs, a hopelessly inane and opportunistic bunch whose every gaffe is called reform and every catastrophe is declared to be "radical reform".
To Scot Lehigh it certainly is...
I think the Globe is desperate to launch Romney into national politics, I really do.
I think they are cutting Kerry dead on the op-ed and news pages because they are trying to tempt Romney into the 2008 Senate race. Morrissey Boulevard either wants Mitt to succeed Teddy or else they want a loud rousing battle for Kerry's Senate seat...something that will sell lotsa papers and help obscure the Globe's unwanted reputation as a liberal rag.
Ultimately they wanna run an "ironic" op-ed piece announcing the death of liberalism in Massachusetts thanks to the national popularity of Mitt Romney....nothing would give them more pleasure.
The Globe is as light as ashes and as shallow as a bird-bath these days.
In the immortal words of William S. Burroughs "their bald-face motivation is hanging out there for all to see".

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