Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sarah Huckabee Sanders

 Deposed President Trump's berserker Press Secretary, is running for Governor of Arkansas because Shrill & Belligerent is the answer to that poor state's prayers I guess.  So far as NPR can tell, its a crowded GOP Gubernatorial Primary since Governor Hutchinson has reached his two term limit, but Sanders does have that magic connection to the Trump Cult that could well turn into votes on Primary Day.

If she is nominated, win or lose, she should be pilloried every day for her tyrannical disdain for constitutional norms, her shrill tone, her grotesque conspiracy theories...she should constantly be cross examined as to whether or not she thinks Trump lost "Fair & Square", other words goad her into a ferocious eruption, at the very least the electorate ought to see what they are in for...

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Oh this is rich...

 Ivanka Trump, the Deposed President's cold reptilian daughter, is ginning up a primary challenge to the Junior Mollusk from Florida, Marco Rubio.  I can hear Marco Rubio's knees clacking together like castanets all the way up here in Stern Puritanical (yet Romantic) Menotomy USA.  Never mind the fact that the GOP Power Structure in Fla, probably doesn't like or trust Ivanka (what exactly has she done for them??) or that she doesn't really have the money to seriously bomb out a GOP Primary.  Marco still has a cold childish fear of Trump's violent and irredentist base.  Marco must be terrified of Ivanka trolling the state in a tricked out bus as a trippy third partei candidate.  No wonder he's been such a craven voice to let Trump skate past his second impeachment this week...the man is scared, scared of Ivanka, scared of the MAGA's (whose votes he needs desperately) scared of Donald Trump...just plain terrified quite frankly.

Y'know if I was a democrat running against Marco I'd talk about one thing to start, that Marco Rubio can't be trusted to defend the US Constitution from its enemies because he's just too damn scared of his own shadow.

Start there, the real issues with Marco is that he bungled his own damn oath as a US Senator to defend the US Constitution, he'd you, your family the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution under the bus to stay in office.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Meanwhile Deposed President Trump...

 in exile in Florida, is musing about starting his own personal political partei, "The Patriot Party".

Now, as soon as we are done guffawing there are two ways we can look at this:

1.) The idea is likely one of several being bruited about in TrumpWorld (along with starting his own wing nut Falangist news channel) all with the ultimate goal of monetizing the MAGAs.  Trump faces gigantic legal and financial challenges, his topmost priority at the moment is building up liquidity, given his busted businesses and bungled opportunities, milking his base of their last nickel may well be his best and only option at the moment.  "The Patriot Party" might be a nice handy cudgel by which to command some deference from the GOP in 2022/2024. Assuming of course, Trump can stay out of jail.

2.) Trump may well be serious about "The Patriot Party", maybe he thinks he can split the GOP vote in 2022-2024, maybe he really thinks he can force this new combination into the Big Time. Chaos and anarchy are really his brand (as we saw last week at the Capitol) and he knows the GOP's leadership at best pays lip service to him, and speak venomously of him in private. "The Patriot Partei" does exempt him from negotiating with people who detest him, and he can commune with his base in a permanent state of brutal excitement.

Whatever his motivations, third parties are notorious money pits, it is difficult if not impossible to get on the fifty state's individual ballots, that alone means recruiting hundreds of pricey ass lawyers, creating a cadre of elected officials almost never happens (who votes for a third party candidate for county commissioner?)...cracking the hold of the Democrats & Republicans is a very pricey proposition indeed.

So by all means lets encourage Trump along this very path, he'll bankrupt the MAGAs and split the GOP vote in 2022 and 2024 (hopefully) I am not seeing any downside for Trump marching out into the political wastelands that claimed Henry A. Wallace, Ross Perot or Strom Thurmond.

I only wish...

 that I could indulge some tribal triumphalism, the Defeat & Disgrace of Donald Trump, the pursuit of his Capitol desecrating Falangist Berserkers, the Senate & House in Democratic Hands, the steady improbable  rise of Joe Biden to the White House on his third try for the US Presidency...the list goes on.

I could wax prideful and sarcastic...but I shall not.  Too many people have died and are dying right now of covid_19 with no end in sight regardless of the vaccine. Fifty states, fifty vaccination priorities all headed in different direction, a minority of my fellow citizens have given up on democracy and wish to punish & rule others by force, there is carnage, division doubt all of it sad and needless.

Joe Biden is inheriting a mess that just falls short of Civil War, he has in this darkest hour, my unreserved support, thats all I can say right now, I stand with this President and by the US Constitution, in a sense all citizens still loyal to our democracy and the rule of law, are also taking what amounts to the same oath in about an hour. Good Luck to All of Us. Godspeed.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

If Rep Lauren "I Love my Glock" Boebert refuses to pass thru the metal detectors

 that now festoon the entrances of the US House of Representatives, then put her on the "No Fly List" says I.  Why should she honor the TSA's rules at the Airport and Deride the very same in the Capitol?  If she won't play by the rules in the House then she cannot be trust in the air whether her firearm is checked or left at home or whatever..."Live Like a Menace to Society, Enjoy the Consequences of the Same" sez I.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Impeachment 2.0

 Speaker Pelosi: (I love that woman! In a nice sort of a way of course) impeaching Donald Trump because she wants to incentivize him to flee Washington DC and make Private Life More Attractive. The thought here is, once he no longer commands the pulpit or the armed forces, his followers the once to breached the Capitol can be rolled up individually. I think up until today, the Speaker's private hope was either the 25th Amendment would be invoked or that Trump would panic, resign and flee, but I guess the President is getting enough mixed messages to induce him to stay put...he may well wish he had resigned ere long though.

Senator McConnell: Wants Trump out of the GOP, but he can afford to take his time about it, if he is convicted in the US Senate after Biden is sworn in, McConnell gets a leg up on tossing Trump out of the party, prevents Trump from running in 2024 and if that slows down the appointment of Biden's Cabinet etc, so much the better.

Both however are banking that the President's freedom of action is severely curtailed, given Trump's penchant for violent whimsy, this remains to be verified.  I personally think that if McConnell and his contemptible crew made an effort, they could either compel a resignation or get the 25th Amendment deployed.  But at least after years of deliberate senescence the DOJ & FBI are suddenly alarmed but armed wing nut extremism, chasing breachers and warning of new violence. Sadly our current chaos, body count and all, would seem to be the best we can expect over the short term.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

I underestimated Donald Trump...

 and for that, I apologize.

After four years of his boasts and threats, which were inevitably never backed up, I thought his proposed "wilding" on January 6th would be yet another bust.  But somehow, he managed to gin up a good lynch mob to bust in the US Capitol and run amok forcing the US Congress to Flee for their lives.  The building ransacked, the Constitution and Our Flag mocked, Our Sacred Reputation Dishonored, Democracy Imperiled, Lives Lost...yup it took him Four fumbling years but Trump finally got his Reichstag Fire.

And of course, he made a botch of that as well.

In a sad mirthless way, we can be grateful that Trump is too much of a twitchy anarchist with a short attention span, he finally conjured up a homicidal mob to put the US Capitol to the torch and then went inside the White House to watch it unfold on TV

Thank God Almighty and all the Angels and Saints, he is no real leader per se, a leader, with sufficient demoniacal energy, might've carried the day somehow last week. Instead Trump railed like a child, tweeted out threats (until Twitter finally had enough of his nonsense) and fatally lost his chance.  Trust me, next time, we won't be so lucky.  Someone like Juan Peron or Franco or Dear God Vladimir Lenin, would not have sat back and waited for chaos to do their job for them.  Last week Senators Cruz & Hawley, betrayed their oaths to Defend the US Constitution but, trust me on this, They Damn Well Took Notes All During the Siege of the Capitol, when it's their turn, they won't be watching it on Fox News believe me!

Of Course, Trump must needs be impeached again, if only to bar him from ever holding office again and cutting off his access to ex-presidential resources. Its prospects are as usual uncertain, thanks to the Scum of the Rotten Boroughs, nonetheless Congress Must Protect Itself, the matter has come down to survival. That is, if VP Pence doesn't man up, and invoke the 25th Amendment, no one would blame him, he was there that day with his wife and the crowd was chanting "Hang Mike Pence".  But this is Mike Pence we are talking about, the damn fool is actually worried about his standing in the 2024 NH Primary!! That is if we are still having elections by then!!!???

Once sworn in, President Biden should also come out for a statutory Presidential Commission to investigate the attack on Congress on January 6th, with full subpoena powers. Said commission needs to fully "contact trace" the mob rule contagion and not let right wing cultists off with a pat on the ass!  The New Attorney General needs to zealously pursue anyone who broke into the Capitol that day whether they had mischief or murder on their minds.

Congress is well within its rights to subject the Capitol Police to the "Vertical Stroke", there was bad faith present in the ranks, poor decision making all of which cost lives when the moment of truth arrived. That in turn, makes the deaths of Officers Sicknick & Liebengood all the more tragic & appalling.  Congress needs a dedicated Security Apparatus that will safeguard the legislative process and the legislators. At the very least the command structure must be completely revamped, new training, tactics and equipment must be procured and sadly Tactical Squads should be added to the mix. This cannot be allowed to happen again for lack of proper security. Senior Officers of Said Force, if they do not now, must report jointly to the President Pro Tem of the Senate and the House Speaker.

In the end, there can be no reconciliation with a Lynch Mob, There is No Debating with a Murderous Crowd Bent on the Establishment of Tyranny Among Us.  It all comes down to this: Are You For the US Constitution, or are For the Terrorists?

And if, you are For the US Constitution are you willing to fight for it?

Because right now, we've won at best, a two year reprieve.  Trumpism is still rampant in the GOP, big money still favors the most appalling extremism, we are going to have to go deep and start winning elections, from the state legislature on up. Soon enough we'll be back down in these trenches again. If Rep McCarthy had been House Speaker last week, he'd a unlocked the doors for the mob and crawled before the White House begging for mercy.  Just thank your lucky stars that Nancy Pelosi was Speaker, this election might've been postponed canceled or simply ignored, but for her!!

Elections in this country just got very serious indeed because the way I reckon it, we are one mid term away from complete disaster.  I cannot myself force a split in the GOP between the Falange and the alleged "True Conservatives" thats something for the opposition to do, all I can do, is tell you a whole new war has broken out, and we need to get better at politics, tougher, harder and more resolute.