Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Matthews on Imus Today:

Chris Matthews was on Imus this morning, and give the man credit, he was almost coherent.
He did assert that you could divine limitless insight into John Kerry's character based on questions like "what is your favorite movie?".
Apparently, Senator Kerry's response, "The Blues Brothers", was flippant and bespoke an arrogant disposition.
Never mind the fact that "The Blues Brothers" is a pretty good movie for some of us, I think the candidate was trying to obliquely mock Chris Mathews' inane line of questioning.
Alas subtlety is lost on a pompous jack off like Matthews who pressed on asking for Kerry's favorite philosopher..."Yogi Berra" was the genial reply.
Whereupon Matthews grumbled to Imus that Kerry " was not taking it seriously".
With idiotic lines of questioning like that, Chris Matthews is lucky that John Kerry didn't smack him in the punim with a custard pie.
Chris fidgets and snarls about Kerry's "unserious" responses and then in the same breath refers to Former President Clinton and Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton and "Hill and Billary".
And he wants this trite humbug taken seriously?
God Bless John Kerry for treating Chris Matthews like cheap parvenue he is...I hope he socks it too the lot of them!
Good lord enough is enough!
Every time Chris Matthews opens his fat pompous gob the professional of journalism is debased and degraded beyond hope of recovery.
And yet he wants to be taken seriously as a serious journalist all the time reserving to himself the right to invoke crude invective at will.
And this is one of the titans of our allegedly free press.
The freedom to harangue, humiliate, diminish, demean, denigrate...all for top dollar too.

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