Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Awww...Dick Cheney has gone all bleedin' heart on us...

The Vice President has gone so far to the left as to assert that gay marriage ought to be left to the states to decide.

In this matter Cheney has lined up with such arid Stalinists as Senator John Forbes Kerry and Orrin Hatch!
I wonder why Cheney is kanoodling with the token moderates of the GOP?
You know, the Pataki, Arnie, and Rudy,that whole crowd. These are men with no power whatsoever over GWB's headlong flight to catastrophe-the same hapless meat puppets who will be extensively on display at the RNC in New York like captured Hottentots.
Has Karl Rove told Dick the campaign needs the votes of the three guys left in the Log Cabin Coalition who are standing by the President?
Have the margins gotten that slim?

Given his documented hold over the President you'd think Dick would have dummied up on the issue.
But no there he was spewing his "nuanced and complex" view of the issue....a shamefully equivocal pronouncement from an administration whose cries for blood and dynamite are the answer to seemingly everything.
What DO the wowsers make of this???

I wonder if this means that Dick is getting tossed overboard at the New York Convention?
I doubt it...GWB is famous for his cartoonish devotion to his alleged underlings.
On the other hand waiting in the wings rubbing his hands and smacking his lips with glee is Senator Rick Santorum a reliable homophobe and demagogue of the first rank...and Bush does stress loyalty, conmpatibility and slavery.
maybe Bush just wants a Veep who won't call him "Georgie Boy".

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