Saturday, April 09, 2005

Scot Lehigh must be livid

three years of sucking up to Mitt Romney, to the point of manfully trying to make sense of the Governor's incoherent stances on gay marriage and stem cell reserach, and the admin goes and hands off 42K in columnist payola to some hack from the Herald.
I'll bet Scot's snarls of rage can be heard up and down Morrissey Blvd.
Yup Charles D. Chieppo (oh GOD I love that name...cheapo...) got sacked by the Herald for not disclosing his relationship as with the convention center, a writing gig worth 32K atop the ten grand Charles was pulling down to shill for Romney's enviromental policies.
Y'know, writing is a hard dollar, believe me...hell Humble Elias hasn't seen a check for his own scribblings in many a lean year. So I can sympathize with Chieppo's desire to cash in as big as possible.
After all who knows?
Maybe next year his column gets handed off to Laura Ingraham or some other dipsomaniac with a high Q-rating. Nonetheless, the Herald did right to discharge him. The name of the game is disclosure, without it the public is at a fatal disadvantage when reading a compromised writer's work - nice to know a that a rag like the Herald gets it.
Still and all that, the whole mishaugas simply confirms my notion that there are many many more columnists on the take out there, and for bigger sums than a paltry ten grand. And some of those columnist may be closer to home than you think.

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