Monday, June 27, 2005

Lyndon Baines Johnson invented the Internet...

yup its true, I heard it on NPR yesterday.

As part of a discussion from their "On the Media" program a clip was played of LBJ's speech on the occasion of the creation of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting circa 1967. At one point, LBJ started ruminated on sources of education and knowledge that would "go beyond mere broadcasting". He then began idly speculating about vast electronic knowledge banks that would simultaneously hook up scholars, doctors and students all over the nation.

Gawd-damn...its only taken us forty years to catch up with one of Lyndon's idle conjurations.
Ah...but LBJ was an artist at heart...other had canvas, marble, film or words....Lyndon had that most malleable and yet most frustrating of substances to work with....legislation.

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