Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The Bush Admin offers

a novel excuse for the NSA's unauthorized domestic wiretapping go to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Authorization Court (aka FISA)involved cumbersome paperwork.

Wa-al Shit Ah'm all choked up at how this Admin fights on and on against needless wasteful red-tape.

Truth is, collecting the oil depreciation allowance, nomination electors to the Electoral College, starting phony charities all involves reams of paperwork...which these rampant assholes all happily fill out while they look around for new ways to reduce us all to peonage.
I've said it before and I'll say it again until they bust down the door and drag me off to a faith based re-education camp, these bastards are all driving this country towards a revolution.
I for one do not look forward to such a conflagration....but its their ardent desire and nothing much gets in their way when it comes to the Praetorian Class' Ardent Desires.

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