Sunday, April 22, 2007

Tom Friedman was on Wolf Blitzer today...

two insufferable windbags blatting away at one another for fifteen solid minutes I'll never ever get back.
Tom of course, like a host of other weather-vanes in the punditariat, has turned against Bush's war in Iraq. He looked nervous and shifty eyed through out the whole Wolf was gonna spring some embarrassing video footage on Friedman at any moment. Tom for his part, really really really like us all to forget his servile cheerleading for the war back in 2003.
Fortunately, Blitzer brought out the kid gloves for a fellow opinion industry stalwart and all was well.
Meanwhile, Friedman tried to repair his tattered reputation as a Sage by pushing for better renewable energy policies down in Washington.
It is Friedman's thesis that properly presented and framed, such policies can be a new "bridging ideology" that'll bring back a grand spirit of Bipartisanship to Washington DC.
Tom wants to make renewable energy all patriotic and capitalistic in order to entice mainstream conservatives to the green banner.
God Save Us All from such a fate say I!!!
My ghod these columist yaps do love that whole utopian fantasy of the democrats and republicans just gettin' together and lovin' one another don't they?
Tom doesn't realize that thanks to Lee Atwater and Karl Rove and Grover Norquist and Katherine Harris et al, that the entirely fraudulent notion of bipartisanship has vanished from American politics for at least a generation or more.
Who are we to negotiation with for all these nicey-nice green energy policies anyway? Dick Cheney? The Vice President is a thoroughly untrustworthy man in every way, he would only seek to use such discussions as a means to destroy the democrats. The President he serves is even worse, Bush thinks negotiations are an outright confession of unmanly weakness.
The GOP's oncomers for 2008 are the usual collection of slaves, lunatics, book worshippers and craven blowhards none of whom can be counted upon to keep their side of a notional bargain on the enviroment.
What is worse, the only vaguely green-centric republican Friedman can offer up as a spokesman for the policy is the politically emasculated Arnold Schwarzenegger, if that is Tom's idea of a good start for enviro-friendly policies in the GOP then all I can say is Good Luck Tommy.

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