Thursday, May 22, 2008

Oh and Joanie Vennochi

because I guess to her jaded sensibilities it has been a slow news week is trying to pump up John Kerry as a potential Secretary of State for a notional Obama administration.
Why the hell should John Kerry give up the US Senate now, potentially when Massachusetts needs him the most and when the political calculus in the Upper House favors the democrats going forward?
Moreover, if things break our way this fall it'll be very good indeed for John Kerry to have a friend in the White House, lists of appointments are drawn up, judges made, fundraising potential is spread around...why a Senator with a clear head, seniority and a good staff could accomplish all sorts of good things under those circumstances.
Anyway, Secretary of State ain't the sinecure it used to be there is a lot of oppressive prestige and responsibility, but in terms of power he or she rates no higher than the National Security Advisor to the President.
Nope my advise to Senator Kerry is simply stay put, "Power Is, Where Power Goes" said Lyndon Johnson.

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