Saturday, February 28, 2009

"Ardently seeking the approval of the discredited"

THAT is Mitt Romney's weekend in a nutshell as he seeks yet another triumph in the Conservative Political Action Committee's seemingly bimonthly pre-pre-presidential brick sh*t house straw poll.
The Former Viceroy is making the usual wingnut noises, notably he has denounced the stimulus plan whilst praising the bank bailout bill i.e T.A.R.P.
You see, Mitt isn't against government spending, he loves him some socialism, as long as it is reactionary socialism that benefits only the rich.
That is what passes for big ideas at an intellectually bankrupt outfit like C-PAC.
Otherwise all this palaver has once again conclusively demonstrated that Mitt Romney hasn't got the political sense God Almighty gave a garden slug.
Romney tried to pass as a moderate back when moderate republicanism was the province of useless old duffers like Arlen Specter and Susan only to be Karl Rove's speed bag quite frankly.
And now a mere four short months after movement conservatism's greatest defeat since 1932, Romney seeks to recast himself as a wingnut messiah.
Timing is everything in politics, and that is one vital quality Mitt will never ever have.
On the other hand his narcissism and amateurish opportunism make for endlessly bloggable copy so....Run Mitt Run!

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