Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts...

can barely handle the manifold temptations that attend on administering a public lottery.
Case in point can be found right the hell here.
State Treasurer Tim Cahill isn't even halfway thru his first term and already he has some splainin' ta do about sweetheart contracts and lobbyists at the lottery.
Sound familiar?
Public ethic eruptions seem to happen every four years like clockwork with the Massachusetts state lottery.
And in general the lottery is on the up and up...
Now if our provincial lottery engenders this sort of chicanery and rascality, imagine the shenanigans we'd be dealing with if the state got casino gambling?
If the rights to print scratch tickets can kick off a 20K bribery investigation, just think what sort of money would come over the transom when the state has casino licenses in play?

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