Thursday, July 02, 2009

Joanie Vennochi...

Has this to say about the Governor's eloquence or lack thereof:
Communication is Obama’s great strength and Patrick’s great weakness. The Massachusetts governor is effective one-on-one. But, unlike Obama, he has trouble driving a cohesive political message and doesn’t seem to enjoy the mission.

Untrue in my humble opinion, I've seen enough up close to decide that Governor Patrick is a very effective communicator, not only one on one but amidst diverse audiences with disparate agendas. And his message this year at least has been appallingly simple reform before revenue...and pretty much as of last week he got it lock stock and barrel.
No, the Governor's problem isn't bad rhetoric, it is bad news. Nobody wants to listen to bad speeches or unwelcome tidings...and right now the only thing Governor Patrick has to offer is blood, toil, sweat and tears.
Things may pick up by next summer...but until then the Governor's fabled gift of gab will be mostly deployed explaining the sales tax et al.

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