Sunday, February 07, 2010

Of the four enduring myths that comprise

modern day "conservatism", three of them lie in partial or complete ruins, the fourth, the myth of grievance, seems to prospering about as well as can be expected.
Of course, making Sarah Palin your poster-child is a questionable decision from public relations perspective, but you go with whut you got I guess.
Ah Palin she is a phenom isn't she?
Last year she was clearly in it for money when she wasn't swanning about in a fugue state and resigning her governorship on a whim.
This year I guess she has resolved to become Huey Long to President Obama's FDR. 
Well what other role can an angry lightweight with a pronounced authoritarian personality play in national life?
Humble Elias is not one to dismiss Governor Palinm not after what happened with Scott Brown...But then again, Huey Long had brains and agenda and was ruthless. 
Sarah Palin on the other hand, is simply angry and sarcastic, don't overestimate it but don't write off either, hard times maketh monsters.

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