Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Profile in Courage: Scott Brown

He was for reconciliation before he was against it.

Well the reason for that is obvious, likely Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell reminded Brown that the Junior Senator from Massachusetts was not gonna collect anything like fourteen million in two weeks, to reach even half that amount he'd need the help of the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee...If he wants to re-elected in 2012 that is.
So Scott caved, predictable really, the man is rapidly becoming a spent force in US Politics abd he hasn't even been in office three months yet.
 That is what Scott get for seeking out every TV talk show on cable and making a gruesome public spectacle of his ignorance on all matters relating to health care reform....Sooner or later it catches up to a politician.
Seems to me that like Sarah Palin, Scott Brown is a bit of "sugar high" sure freepers got excited but now the "stimulus" is wearing off and they are left with a nice looking but thoroughly impotent and empty headed young man as their champion.
On a related note, all these sky-grifters and money worshippers in the GOP that're gunning for Delahunt & Tsongas' seats? I'm looking forward to them stumping their districts this fall explaining to the uninsured how they are better off with nothing.

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