Thursday, September 09, 2010

Who the hell does Ziplips think he is Kidding???

This mook claims he saved Harvard PIlgrim Healthcare from the fiery furnace of bankruptcy without any state monies.
Talk about parsing a sentence in the Grand Clintonian Style, shit we issued TAX FREE BONDS backed by the Full Faith and Credit of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to the tune of 80 million large to save Baker's damn Health Insurance Company, his Golden Parachute, His Reputation and Yes, his bony ass from economic annihilation!
I don't give a hoot in hell what the Boston Globe thinks, the Full Faith and Credit of Massachusetts IS money as far as Moody's and Humble Elias is concerned!
Oh Baker is a fine one to go one whining about taxes, he has had his nasty fingers in my pockets for years digging for every nickel, dime and penny and he can grab, sure Charlie hates taxation but he never met a health insurance premium increase he didn't like!
BTW kudos to Governor Patrick for keeping the state's bond rating at a robust AAA despite the chiseling of self righteous mendicants like Charlie Baker.

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