and serious head-busting in the Middle East was the news that Former State Senator Scott Brown has quite openly given the Tea Partei the finger.
His reasoning here is none too hard to divine, The TP did no business whatsoever in the Commonwealth in last year's election despite a lot of noise, bluster and his own public endorsement thereof. Outside the state, Tea Partei money and volunteers are gonna be tied up in wreaking vengeance on Barack Obama in 2012...Besides Brown has ten million large in his kicks.
So in other words, the breeze has shifted and it is now safe for Brown to tack to the center with all the airy opportunism of a Mitt Romney.
Brown is even so cocky as to invite a Tea Partei primary challenge. This is cheap bluster if you asked me, the Teabaggers haven't the money, the organization or even a candidate of minimal competence and charisma to take down the Junior Senator...They know it and he chortles over it.
All of this points to Scott Brown's great and only discernable personal weakness, hubris, his head swells up and up on a hourly basis. Brown has gone from Local Cable Access to Sixty Minutes in one short year and of course it has all gone to his head.
Well, that alone is insufficient to displace him from office, the US Senate is not known for a humble membership, but it is a phenom that bears watching thats all.
And while we are doing that we need to start laying the policy groundwork for the race next year, what ideas will be in play?
What platform will be espoused?
That is really the only way to get at him, ideas, proposals...y'know the hard stuff.
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