Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Three Days After...

Mitt Romney comes out for the de-facto privatization of the US Postal Service, and the local opinion industry maintains a decorous and even prim silence over the Former Viceroy's sudden lurch to radical libertarianism.
I remind my faithful readers (all seven of you) of the below quote from one of Romney campaign appearances this weekend in NH:
"The Federal Government isn't the answer for running health care any more than its the answer for running Amtrak or the Post Office".

That is verbatim from the Boston Sunday Globe.

And is anyone outraged, angered or even slightly miffed, apparently not.
Silence implies assent in Humble Elias' books.
Of course, if this was campaign 2004 and it was John Kerry making a comparable remark, Joanie, Scot, Brian, Jeff, Howie and all the usual suspects would scream like magpies gone mad on crystal meth.
The Globe did it's front page level best to beat up JK in the lead up to the '04 New Hampshire Primary, why they aren't talking the same smack on Romney is a mystery to me.

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