as the current round of contentious budget negotiations lurch towards endgame (or shutdown)...that our opponents do fancy themselves revolutionaries.
And the budget that they wish to impose on the rest of us, the normal people, is the first shot in that revolution.
They got hooked on certain books as sophomores and as intellectual sophomores they became adults.
We are now amidst the second generation of movement conservatives in the US and they betray all the blind self destructiveness of their sires.
The book worship, the mindless belief than citizens Must Fit Into Their Plan, the yawping sense of greivance when the Republic turns them down, the hell-yeah belligerance...on and on and on.
What do they want for America?
De factor feudalism, an atomized demobilized citizenry and a diminished state dedicated to the worship of wealth.
Get them drunk enough and they'll proclaim it loudly.
Will any of this rubbish come to pass?
Likely not.
But as the old cliche goes, "quitters never win, winners never quit, but if you never win and you never quit you are probably too dumb for help".
But until that moment comes, we will have to endure much political carnage and social worry and woe.
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