that Herman Cain came up in the polls after he was accused of sexual harassment by no less than three former employees (and counting).
The GOP is famously deaf to the pleas of women for workplace equality and lets face it, the decline of movement conservatism can be easily measured by their sheer imperviousness to irony.
Sexual harassment as such is an accusation one flings joyously at democrats and liberals, not something one applies with equal ferocity at one's co-ideologues.
This is why Ann Coulter can rise so vehemently and seemingly guilelessly to Cain's defense having cut her teeth back in the late 1990's on Bill Maher's old show calling Bill Clinton everything short of a rapist.
Again, the absence of any irony here is a strong indicator that conservatism is still mired in it's post Bush ideological sink hole.
So for the moment, Herman gets a pass, unless those embers start to blaze up and then if the polling can be believed a good chunk of Cain's base will desert to Newt Gingrich and his all ex-wife orchestra.
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