Monday, April 09, 2012

So I read in the papers

that the Tea Partei of Indiana wants desperately to "primary" Senator Richard Lugar out of existence.
Richard Lugar, a man who was once known as "Richard Nixon's favorite Senator" and one of the few GOP Foreign Policy experts of the realist school.
MiGhod if Richard Lugar isn't enough of a vengeful beast for the Tea Partei, then there is something seriously wrong with the GOP.
And it is vengeance that is the key term here no doubt about it, most of the Tea Partei's membership is animated by a frantic desire to get at Barack Obama and punch out as many liberals as they can on their way there.
There is nothing rational about any of it, despite all their holier than thou rubbish about balanced budgets and small government, they are the Vengeance Party Pure and Simple.
The reasons for this are complex, U.S. liberalism despite it's program of uplift & justice, tends to steel individual liberals for the inevitability of setback, compromise and woe.
This is why liberals make for lousy AM Radio Chat Show Tyrants, we don't know how to demagogue in a way that exports positive action to the voting booth.
Movement conservatism in the USA on the other actively attempts to keep individual conservatives in a pre-adolescent state of hyperindulgence, and when reality busts in on that mythopoetic bubble they live in the cries go up for blood and dynamite.
That is the Tea Party in a nutshell, ready to shoot off it's own foot or form a torch wielding mob in pursuit of that old groaner, Richard Lugar, anything to get back to the Land of Oz.


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