A White House website is apparently being bombarded with petitions demanding secession & disunion in the wake of last week's GOP debacle.
So much for grace in defeat eh?
Well lemme tellya, secesh is a dead end, Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis didn't send Abe Lincoln any petitions when they decided to hazard all on disunion.
Moreover revolutions are not ignited by sending angry emails...
No this is a symptom of serious post electoral defeatism among the opposition it is all very emotional and a little childish quite frankly. It is akin to all those hysterical announcements that the captioned speaker would "leave the country" if Bush won in 2004...
Sad silly stuff quite frankly.
I blame the apocalyptic tone of campaign advertising it leaves a nasty psychic hangover after the election is over and done with. Ah but thanks to Citizen's United we can look forward to more electoral hangover's like this for decades to come.