Monday, December 14, 2015

The MBTA is in one of those Bad-News-Cycles

the local media just cannot get enough of....from cost overruns on the proposed Green Line Extension to Union Square to an unmanned Red Line Training careening into North Quincy Station. Granted that out of control train was allegedly a consequence of operator error, but lets try to recall (because the Globe & the Herald and the rest of them all too willfully forget) that the rolling stock on the Red Line is only two years younger than me....the fact that any of it rolls at all manned or unmanned is a stone miracle. Be that as it may, operator error this time, massive equipment failure due operational old age next time...the actuarial tables sort of favor it. Fair enough no one wants to discuss the age of the equipment...least of all the Governor I guarantee you he has already seen a perfectly configured spreadsheet that confirms the price tag on new rolling stock. So yeah "Thank Ghod for Operator Error" thinks the Governor, the Lege and that meshugginah Fiscal Board at the MBTA......

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