Paul Ryan is leaving congress having done his damndest to destroy civil society and democratic governance itself..."wayward sister go in peace" sez I. Time will test all of Ryan's Rigid Little Ideological Fantasies and find them all wanting.
President Trump is threatening to Fire Special Counsel Mueller, being egged on by Fox News and no doubt incensed by the raid conducted on his personal attorney's office. I still suspect that Trump makes a lot of scary noises on and off stage, but I still think that he hasn't got the guts to fire Mueller...but then like most mentally ill people he is prone to impulse.
Oh and the Russians are formally threatening to fire back on our missile sites if we opt to punish the Assad Regime for it's latest poison gas attack that was likely induced by Trump's own inconstant policies in the region (expl Syria, are we in or out???). So we are a year into Trump's term and we've stumbled into a confrontation with Moscow, so much for the "reset with Putin" huh? I suspect Trump will make some bloodcurdling noises and back down....Putin has to have some very scary evidence regarding The President on File. Putin may not have the missiles but he sure has dedicated hackers, remember that over the short term.
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