Tuesday, May 08, 2018

In a Few Hours

The President amidst a storm of verbal gloating and impotent threats, will likely pull out of the "Iran Nuclear Deal", to the nigh masturbatory delight of GOP chickenhawks who long for a nice big war with Iran.
They may well get their wish, I remain pretty cynical and stoical on this dire prospect.
This is all animated by a childish vengeful desire to "repeal the Obama Admin" no matter what the cost in blood & treasure, and that demonic spirit has entered into a marriage of convenience with the "Regime Change is the Key to the Middle East" crowd.
Remember those guys? Cheney and Rumsfeld and all those sky grifters? They they CLAIMED deposing Saddam Hussein would "Remake the Middle East", and by ghod it did...turned the region into a four cornered killing zone presided over by Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia & Iran all sending troops and proxies to fight over the political and geographic corpses of a half dozen Arab Dictatorships.
If you think that killing zone can be fixed by taking out one of those four corners (i.e. Iran) you are crazy.
The same people are making policy today, pending National Security Advisor Bolton & SecState Pompeo are all chickenhawk veterans of the Regime Change Wars..and I say again, as prophesy, so far they've been lucky, sooner or later their luck will run out and when it does, all of us are gonna suffer for it.
So believe me, when it comes to Iran, nukes are almost a secondary consideration, pretext for enacting a weird utopian agenda that sheer power can somehow supplant diplomacy forever and ever sans consequence.
Well, okay folks, welcome to Utopia.

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