Friday, July 13, 2018

I could almost feel bad for UK PM Theresa May

she looks perfectly miserable standing next to Donald Trump at all their events in London...and indeed why shouldn't she?
She is bound by referendum to preside over "Brexit" the UK's fabled departure from the EU, a policy she AND a majority of the electorate know will be a catastrophe when implemented.  Trump is treating her quite openly as a retarded stepchild, she can expect no worthwhile trade deal with the USA with Trump in charge thus her open promise to the citizenry seems to be "chaos, well managed".
And lets face it, the woman's main political talent seems to be stitching together rickety coalitions by which to survive another six months in power....Eduard Deladier seems to be her best and only true leadership inspiration.
And hell she looks uncomfortable as hell in that posh she realizes that one more rash tweet from Trump and her government will fall before sundown.

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