Thursday, September 27, 2018

"I Heard Smiles"

A colleague of mine, the veritable "Sage of Winter Hill", remarked with some mirth yesterday that Trump's disastrous press conference resembled nothing so much as Humphrey Bogart's "Captain Queeg" coming apart at the seams on the witness stand.
A very insightful observation to be sure, even if Trump's standout quote "I Heard Smiles" is a soaring poetical conjuration worthy of Rod McKuen or perhaps Gerardus Tros.  No I have little to add to the general shock,mirth & anxiety save to say that quite literally Trump has been coming apart at the seams live on television since 2015, but unlike Captain Queeg, he isn't being held accountable for it.
The man has enablers, most of them, in fact hate Donald Trump with a mortal passion, but as long as they fear him and his hold on the "GOP Base", as long as he nominates Falangists to Judgeships and as long as there is a ruinous tax cut to be passed, they'll hunker down and do as they are told.

Thus the day will come when we can carve on Mitch McConnell's tombstone "He Made a Bonfire of his Country to warm his Ideology".

But don't worry when that day comes, many years from now, McConnell, Charles Grassley and Paul Ryan will all rate Flag Draped Coffins, the very national ensign whose proud essence and liberties they did their uttermost to destroy.
Ironic Huh?

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