I might have been wrong, about Governor Baker's future plans, I thought it possible that he was throwing in the towel and bailing on politics. Turns out he's been beefing up his political team, aggressively fundraising, hiring lawyers to fend off Scott Lively's lawsuits in short behaving like a craven third rate shyster hell bent on re-election.
Well color me chagrined, that freezes up the political plans of more than a few statewide democrats and a couple of republicans as well, as long as Baker's approval ratings stay in the seventy percentile that is...
But lets face it, the very factors that might force Baker out into the private sector are the same ones that might persuade him to run for a third term, namely he has nowhere else to go, he is blocked beautifully nationally, he is too skittish to run for the US Senate, that leaves either the Bain Capital Group or a Third Term. Right now, it looks like a Third Term.
In truth, Baker is a surprisingly uninspiring politician, a crashing bore on he best day, he is almost comically incapable of any decision when faced by any sort of public corruption, currently the State Police and the Prison System are under Federal Investigation, Baker keeps track by reading The Boston Globe every day. He will never be mistaken for "Horatio at the Bridge", he is certainly no sort of Governor for a truly serious crisis in anyway. His lack of leadership in these areas is astonishing, makes you wonder what else he is ignoring so successfully?
No, Baker abides because he is a bore who gives no offense, sometimes sheer vacuums can have very high approval ratings.
Just remember "Bust Follows Boom", The Higher They Climb, The Further They Fall. Baker will never do anything to risk that seventy percent approval rating, but thats his problem, when the going gets tough he'll never put any skin in the game, and like Herbert Hoover, he will inevitably lose it all, count on it.
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