Charlie Potato's latest slo-mo catastrophe, it should be noted that when an older relation got into a slight fender bender on Route 128, it took the RMV all of about ten days to revoke their driver's license.
On the other Volodymyr Zhukovsky blazes an epic trail of automotive mayhem across six states and only after he incinerates seven of his fellow citizens on a highway in NH does the RMV condescend to wake up and take notice.
But wait there is more, apparently hundreds drunk driving reports from other states, information that would indeed trigger license suspension/revocation, have been piling up unprocessed in an RMV store room!
Boy if this is Charlie Baker's idea of Prussian Efficiency in the Public Sector I'd hate to see what sheer venality and incompetence looks like?! Ah but Charlie Potatoes has a solution (other than hiding under his desk that is) he has called in a private company to audit the RMV...I mean Helloooo we have a whole State Auditor already on the payroll guys???
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