I'm gonna say it, I think Elizabeth Warren just peaked too damn early, all her best debates were last fall and last summer, and in the teeth of a thirty person field in the democratic race for the nomination. I think it was a paradoxically smart decision to forego big ticket fundraising, it freed her time up for more campaign stunts and retail politicking, but when the cluster**k went down in Iowa it should have been someone's responsibility to leave enough money in the coffers for an 11th hour advertising blitz in NH. Because, lets face it, with Iowa's outcome ineffably tainted, that left open a gigantic chance for someone to make a last minute rush in NH, and who made that rush? Senator Amy Klobuchar!
So I'm thinking timing issues in the back stretch afflict the Warren Campaign, they made good decisions but were on the wrong damn schedule. There is no reason why she should not have finished in the top three up there, Senator Sanders went from 61% of the vote to a bare 28% last week that is a staggering loss of support, yet clearly very little of that accrued to Warren's Benefit, I think Buttigeig inherited a good chunk of Hillary Clinton's Base and then made some additions of his own, the rest of it went to Klobuchar and the leftovers were passed to Elizabeth.
Some of this is hypocritical to be sure, as if Warren's Detached Plan to pay for Medicare for All is any more dubious that Bernie Sanders' collection of hot-button soundbites, its just that Bernie isn't being held accountable and Warren, ever the honest policy wonk, is.
Sadly, Warren enters an elite club, formerly an all boys club if thats any comfort, she is one of the those elite Massachusetts Politicians who did not prevail in the NH Primary, Her, Ted Kennedy &...Mitt Romney.
Hang in there Senator, Do Not Go Gently into that Good Night.
Meanwhile, I do think this is the Waterloo of the Iowa Caucuses...I think the practice ought to be discontinued, and they can take their chances on Super Tuesday with the rest of us with a proper primary. Thats if we continue with the practice of free elections in this country.
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