Monday, August 24, 2020

Four Nights of Trump talking in Prime Time..

 Apparently because he craves the limelight and the groveling approval that can only come from a thoroughly cowed and sniveling GOP Convention. Like all narcissists, Trump thinks all his ideas are genius, they go awry only because of the mendacity or the incompetence of his underlings.  But, Four Full Hours of Trump blathering away between now and Thursday, is a very bad idea indeed.  Let me tell ya why, there is indeed a thing called "Too Much Trump", because the more he talks the more he damages his own prospects. Oh he'll be cheered, he make all the usual crowd pleasing threats, the delegate will debase themselves like trained circus animals, but believe me Trump's incoherent berserker act will wear thin by tomorrow night 10:30pm EDT.

This is what went wrong with his daily corona virus press briefings, instead of steadying the public's nerve, disseminating facts, controlling the narrative in a positive the President became a daily dose of ignorance and chaos. Instead of addressing the problem, he became the problem, and that is all that will happen with these nightly speeches, they will lose him support outside the hall. Moreover, at a four hour commitment the GOP exposes itself to the very real risk that Trump will make some humiliating irrevocable gaffe that'll only confirm his rumored illness & malevolent confusion.

No wonder the only legitimate outcome they'll accept is a Trump Victory, they got no choice, made too many bad decisions to back off now. That having been said I think a majority of the GOP won't do a thing if Trump loses in November, at least in turns of any threatened violence or mayhem. The problem is, none of them will do a blessed thing if he steals the election.

So given all that, is it any wonder that the GOP has started pounding itself over the head with a 2x4 and screaming "You Are Next!!"?

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