Monday, June 09, 2003

What does Chris Matthews want?

Going by his call in to Imus today, I'd say he's desperate in a really sad obsessive way for one more go at Hillary Clinton.
He is like a hyena who needs to work over that antelope carcass one more time no matter how bad the smell or how many vultures are pecking away at it.
Hillary has a set of memoirs out in other words and this is intolerable to the Host of " Hardball".
Chris is a special case for Humble JohnIAT, you see he started out as an aide to my late lamented congressman Tip O'Neill Jr. Speaker of the House and apex predator par excellence.
I miss the guy, OH how I miss congressman O'Neill....
And having given Chris his first serious job in DC, it's looking more and more like the voluble talk show tyrant is Speaker Tip's unwitting legacy for the ages.
Perhaps that is why Chris was giggling like the Joker from the git-go this morning-the sure knowledge that no one can stop him and no one caught him on his way up the ladder.
Like a lot of talkative none too bright guys, Chris gravitated to DC in search of easy pundit money and easy look at him loud, obnoxious, incoherent, overpaid and untrustworthy.
I actually think that Chris Matthews has a nastier screechier voice than even Senator Rick ("High Pitch Rich") Santorum if such a thing is possible.
Or maybe it's the seemingly "psychotic whine" that creeps into Matthews' voice when he really gets going about his favorite straw people Bill and Hillary.
And each day he gets louder and more gruesome...and he couldn't stop patronizing and harassing Hillary Clinton if you put a gun to his head. Ten years since it went down the tubes and Chris is still sneering at "Hillary's" health care plan...on grounds that it's "elitist" or fried in butter or some damn thing. Frankly the way Chris shouts through the list of Hillary's liberal sins you'd a thunk he was reading off a tattoo on his arm or something.
The funniest part this morning is when poor lugubrious Chris tried to get all pontifical by contrasting FDR's successful social security legislation with the collapse of the Clinton health care proposal. At this point you could tell that Chris was breathlessly making up as he went along asserting that Roosevelt had gotten the middle class behind social security by selling it as "self help".
The Clinton's plan failed because of the welfare like aspects of their proposal and it's concurrent "elitism".
Ghod it's a sad day for discourse when hard core rightical chic pundits like Chris Matthews can't even get their talking points lined up properly.
At least he aligned himself as a vague populist sucking up to FDR's memory at the expense of today's sneaky debased democrats-this is an old conservative rhetorical trick going back Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew.
In effect what Matthews is saying is "I'd be a liberal today if the likes of FDR was in charge of the democratic party".
As the old misanthrope says what rubbish!
It's more accurate to say that if Matthews was a pundit in 1932 he'd be marking out hard for Herbert Hoover or else writing paeans of praise to William Dudley Pelley's Silver Shirt Legion.
As Jim Carroll sez "I doubt none of these speculations".
What Chris forgets is, there was no middle class to buy off back in 1935. A vast majority of what Marx jovially refers to as the bourgeoisie had fallen on such hard times that the whole lot would've cheerfully countenanced beheading the entire senate as a mass offering to the Gods of Prosperity.
Well how can one respond to such an shrill effusion?
The answer is you can't.
Chris isn't "over it" yet and we will all have to plug our ears and shut our eyes til he is done shrieking and whining in that nasty little high pitched voice of his.
Because let us face it, those screechy diatribes are made for cable teevee and talk radio...they can't be interrupted by any means currently available to liberals (herein defined as that fast shrinking cohort with a old fashioned love of democracy).

Such is the Kingdom of Heaven
On the congressionally licensed airwaves
and elsewhere.
7:50am EST.

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