Monday, June 02, 2003


So where the #$%^ are these Iraqi weapons of mass destruction?
I've stayed away from this one since the "end" of the war for fear that 10,000 tons of anthrax would turn up in a grain silo somewhere in the Iraqi desert.
NOW it's looking like a cheap act like Eric Rudolph was a better armed more successful terrorist than Saddam Hussein in the weary wicked end.
However let us credit Saddam with some powers of intellection, like Rudolph, Bin Laden and Sheik Omar he too has gone to ground in the hopes of rising again.
Superficial mass market pundits will disparage the potentialities of the old comeback routine, but we can dismiss the only possibility at our peril.
Napoleon came back after the Congress of Vienna called him a hopeless nabob and a skank chaser. At Waterloo he came within an ace of turning the whole of Europe's aristocracy into moist Christmas tree ornaments.
Hitler came back, the Beer Hall Putsch was a bust, but once he was out the slams he jazzed up the Nazi line and danced his way into power.
Hell even a hopeless pimp and tattered old horndog like Juan Peron came back!
Meanwhile our troops are getting shot at in Iraq practically on a daily basis. I think Baghdad will be America's own west bank within six months tops-I hope I'm wrong about that...but the feeling persists with every gunshot.
Not that any of this will bother La Famiglia Arbusto, when the going gets tough, they declare total victory and flee.
No doubt our victorious troops will get a ticker tape parade in New York just in time for the Republican National Convention in 2004.

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