Monday, November 03, 2003

Chris Matthews on Imus today...

He has a new book out "American Beyond Our Grandest Notions"...despite it's preposterously pompous title it's apparently about all the super kewl klassic movies Chris like really really loves.
Based on a close analysis of "The Searchers", Matthews has decided we are a "relentless, lonely, rebellious wonder we don't like government much..."
So now the wellsprings of Chris' pretentious purehearted Americanism originate in that jibes with the rest of the media whores hatred of tinseltown I don't know.
This IS Chris Matthews we are talking about consistency is not his strong suite.
Certainly publicly masturbating over the President's appearance on the flight deck of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln back in May hasn't stopped him from voicing vague "suspicions" about the war now.
Neither have these self same qualms prevented him from making plain his contempt for the current democratic field of presidential candidates....there is no link between those two congruent concepts and none will be forged by Mister Matthews either.
After all he is a journalist and he has his standards: democrats of all types and persuasions are all equally repellant.
Good Ghod I'm not back from vacation ten minutes and there is this frantic unlovely clown spouting this rubbish like it's fresh gold on the public airwaves!
I'm suspecting more and more, that Chris was the gazoonie in Tip O'Neill's congressional apparat.
You know the Jimmy Olsen-ish dingbat who got sent out for coffee at the drop of a hat. Nice dim-witted kid close to power but not trusted with a bit of it. Clearly the late Speaker got down to cases only after Chris was safely out of the room.
I can't account for his rise to pre-eminence as a journalist-although I haven't ruled out some diabolical transaction with Mephistopheles. Perhaps the demon took Matthews' soul but let him keep the rest of his annoying preadolescent personality intact.
Who knows really?
Chris has the opinions of a very hyper 12 year old boy...shallow, opportunistic and shrill beyond hope of redemption.
Trite turgid obvious...Chris is the total listen to him on Imus to believe the U.S. is on the verge of enfranchising cartoon characters.
Not just the charming ones like Daffy Duck either, I'm talking the morbid caricatures of "South Park" of John Kricfalusi's "Ren and Stimpy".

Such is the Kingdom of God
On the congressionally licensed airwaves
and elsewhere

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