Wednesday, November 26, 2003

The Middle School Jihad...

The Boston Globe continues it's assault on Senator Kerry today running a front page valentine to Governor Dean that gushes on unabashedly about the Doctor's moderation and civility.
You mean Dean entered a room and didn't start screaming for blood and dynamite? Oh be still my beating heart!!!!
Meanwhile Scot Lehigh predictably bashes Kerry on the op-ed page recycling the juicy bits from the Sunday Globe's hatchet job on the junior Senator. Eileen McNamara also tried to get the boot in over the medicare bill.
Alas she simply comes off as being her usual ineffectual and spiteful self.
In days to come we'll get the last in Kerry venom from Vennochi and McGrory and all the rest of the yokels, have no fear.
I think that article Sunday all but gave permission to the op-ed squad at Morrissey Boulevard to open up on Kerry sans let or hindrance.
I don't really expect the Globe to prostitute itself on John Kerry's behalf.
I do think it's reasonable for someone in a responsible position to call a halt to the snarky juvenile tone that has invaded even the straight political reportage of his candidacy. If Kerry has few supporters among the Globe's paid pundits well that is the luck of the draw...but the tone of the news reporting ought to be straightforward and unbiased.
Instead we are getting the usual kewl kidz drivel from writers who are way too impressed with themselves.
Days like this, post conservative civilization looks a long way off....


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