Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Unintended hilarity from the Yahoo News Summary....

The following headline can be seen there today:

"Governor Jeb Bush not eying presidential run".

Apparently Jeb has discovered that his brother has no intention of leaving office in 2009 as scheduled. I mean why do all that fundraising if Brother George is gonna assume a laurel crown and sceptre?

Its a little like John Ashcroft's rumored resignation as AG.
Why wouldn't he leave?
Ashcroft has trashed the constitution beyond hope of repair and may now retire to "Shrieking Anachronism" Missouri to resume hymn singing in peace.
Of course, Jeb could still become a Prince-successor a'la one of the Bonapartes, unless of course GWB opts to do like the Emperor Galba and "adopt" some sociopathic himbo like Rick Santorum as his "son and imperial heir".


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