Monday, November 08, 2004

Whither Mitt?

Has our flirtation with the Kolobian Viceroy entered its imperial twilight already?

His apologists will assert that Romney is with us through 2006 come heck or whatever, but the signs and auspices arent’ good….Mitt may be packing his bags already.
The question is, just HOW will Governor Romney evade his promise to serve out his gubernatorial term? He publicly pledged as much back in campaign 2002.
However there are glittering vistas a-beckoning now on the banks of the Potomac and with a hundred odd “Team Reform” mendicants clogging up his waiting room why wouldn’t Romney go? And then there is the final fate of that stern Granite State Reformer Craig Benson to consider….
Lets face it Romney has been an expensive flop as Governor. His dilettantish governing style has yielded up exactly nothing in the way of accomplishments. As a politician Mitt is so equivocal and inept he couldn’t even make a go of it in the GOP’s “moderate racket”…a profitable and easy sinecure for torpid marks from Lincoln Chaffee to Arlen Specter. (SP) Suddenly Jane “Jingle Money” Swift is starting to look mighty stateswoman-like by comparison…at least she pretended to govern in the public interest.
My guess is, Mitt wants out so he can spend the next four years making everyone forget he was ever Governor of Massachusetts…an unpopular pariah state a’la Israel these days. Frankly his sole hope in the New Hampshire primary at this point is to run on a “eject Massachusetts from the Federal Union” platform. That might get him through to the South Carolina primary before Jeb Bush’s whiteshirts finally beat his ass down once and for all.
Given that I have no doubt that Romney is angling for the Homeland Security portfolio. This is naught but a cruel joke though, a smarmy venture capitalist with no talent for state governance is now somehow supposed to take over the domestic security of the entire nation. Time to start stocking up on k-rations I think. He may not get the job though, in which case Romney may well settle for anything he can get up to and including the Ambassadorship to Argentina.
To do all this, all he must do is break a solemn promise...which is easy enough as Mitt hasn’t delivered on a single one of his campaign promises and he never will.
What is one more or one less to him at this point?
I say let him go.
To paraphrase Oliver Cromwell….he hath tarried too long for the good he hath done and in the bowels of Jesus Christ our savior he must go…god will decide the issue betwixt him and us.

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