Friday, November 18, 2005


Romney is whipping up the tattered remnants of the state GOP to gather signatures for the anti-gay marriage ballot question.
I'm too god-damned tired today to rant on about what a bad idea this ballot question is, I've already quoted Abraham Lincoln at length with respect to this malicious perversion of "popular sovereignty".
No I just wanna say I think it's appalling that the State GOP is so desperate and ideologically bankrupt as to go whoring after the fag-bashing vote. This proposal is a great way to keep their base in a state of morbid terror and excitement and its fundraising potential is limitless (Especially when you factor in the out-of-state-wowsers) but as policy the gay marriage ballot question is a moral and ethical catastrophe.
These ass-holes actually propose to ride to power in 2006 over the backs of a minority of their fellow citizens....nothing is more reprehensible...nothing.
If this question does make it onto the ballot in 2006 then i urge my readers (all six of you) to vote against any restrictions on the right to marry in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
To place the rights of a minority before the electorate is in and of itself the very negation of personal sovereignty.
There...I've said my peace, let the rubble fall where it may.

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