Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Waterloo Preview...

When the piously praetorian President of the United States can't get a vengeful yap elected Governor of Virginia on a promise of blood and dynamite...then there is something seriously wrong with movement conservatism mah frens'.
The bastards tried everything in Virginia right down to a bizarre sandbox screed accusing Kaine of being soft on Nazism.
And it all blew up in their face...lovely couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.
Of courseelsewhere in the nation, to spite Massachusetts, Texas has outlawed marriage, sodomy and male-only bathrooms...I forget which.
Sadly setbacks like this only intensify the GOP's desire to find ever more bloodcurdling issues with which to inflame wowserdom. So get ready for yet another propaganda fugue on the subject on gay was quite literally their only winning issue last night.
Already Texas anti gay marriage activists are talking up a constitutional amendment, something that would really be a wow on the hustings next year.
of course this is nothing but movement conservatism's version class warfare, they've marked out a single sector of society, preferably small and slightly exotic for punishment, Lenin couldn't have done it better.
However, its a long way to November 2006, and they will undoubtedly be other issues out there.

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