Tuesday, March 14, 2006


that is the best the Viceroy can do in the so called "Hotline Straw Poll"?
Mittwit got topped by the national cat torturer and Capitol Hill Kleptocrat Bill Frist?
For nigh on two years now, Romney has been pimping himself out Lulu on Navy pay Day and 14.4% is all the thanks he gets?
The Romneyans are spinning this as a moral victory since Mitt came in second, the reality is, that in Wowserdom he running twenty five points behind a religious fanatic and a notorious latah for the White House.
Romney had all the right moves, he defamed the Commonwealth like a good little turncoat...and yet he finishs far behind and out of the love.
Allen, McCain and the rest of those assholes had the good sense to steer clear and save their ribs for a straw poll that'll have some traction. Not Mitt, who knows how much he threw away for fourteen point four percent of the vote.
Straw polls this early in the season don't mean anything, Alan Cranston topped a bunch of them in 1984 before being frontlawned in the New Hampshire Primary.
You'd think Romney would get that...but no the damn fool thinks he can compete in the South.
Humble Elias suspects that political comity in this country has degenerated to such an appalling degree that no one from Massachusetts can get a fair hearing down in Wowserdom.
Well, we are about to find out is that thesis is true.

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