Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Cash-n-Carry Congress

Last week, the U.S. House quietly passed themselves a 2% Cost of Living increase in their take home wages...this brings their yearly above the counter haul to $168K or so.
These would be the same GOP congressional dickwads who refuse to increase the now stagnant minimum wage because it would somehow hurt job growth here in Plantation USA.
Humble Elias can see why they need the money though, the cost of blow and quality hookers has gone sky frickin' high and with Jack Abramoff behind bars, one of the House GOP's main sources of revenue has dried up. So you see, they HAD to raid the US Treasury or else the whore houses of Georgetown and beyond might've suffered!

That is Denny Hastert's congress always tryin' to create jobs.

Meanwhile, the senate mindful of it's constitutionally mandated role as a second rate circus sideshow is debating a "flag burning amendment" to the US Constitution spitefully sure that if they carry one long and loud enough, no one will notice they've voted themselves another undeserved pay-raise.

This congress has (in the words of Oliver Cromwell) "tarried too long for the good they hath done"...

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