Monday, June 26, 2006

Last week, John Kerry offered a Senate Resolution

Setting modest timetable for the withdrawal of US Troops from Iraq. It garnered thirteen votes in the US Senate, and the usual tidal wave of bitter denunciation from the usual ass-holes in the punditariat.
On Friday though, it was revealed that General Casey, the CO of US Forces in Iraq had presented to the Pentagon a plan to withdrawal something like HALF our troops by January 2007!
Now...Humble Elias isn't what you'd call a military man, but even he knows that US Theater Commanders DON'T compose detailed plans for a military withdrawal (what was jocosely called "cutting and running" just last week) unless they've been ordered to do so by the appropriate chain of command. Given the fact that the Department of Defense is run like a plantation these days there can be no doubt this plan was solicited either by Donald Rumsfeld or one of his henchmen.
The question is, are THEY planning to cut and run? Or is this plan of Casey's something deliberately leaked to give the GOP congressional candidates some cover this fall?
Humble Elias wonders if Kerry knew about Casey's withdrawal scenario and perhaps timed the resolution thusly?

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