Monday, August 14, 2006

A.B.C. (Anybody But Clinton)

Last week, Eric Alterman wistfully invokes the possibility that Al Gore might run for President in 2008 whilst the Boston Phoenix devoted a feature article to former Senator and 2004's Democratic Vice Presidential nominee John Edward's nascent campaign for the White House.
So you on.
Even as Senator Hilary Clinton amasses money and endorsements for a presumed 2008 run for President there are all kinds of major and minor players who are casting around for an alternative to her candidacy.
You wouldn't quite mind so much except that Eric Alterman is one of those columnists who rolled his eyes (figuratively speaking) at the mere thought of Al making another run in '04.
Well, Al has made some tought speeches in the interim and that seems to be enough to get this cohort back on his side. is a bit opportunistic if you asked me.
Who the A.B.C. candidate is gonna ultimately be is an open question at this point. Depending on how the elections go this year the lists may fill up with candidates in the Iowa Caucuses & NH Primary thus diffusing the anti-Clinton impetus.
As I've said before, if the dems do well this fall look for a cautious revival of Howard Dean's political stock.
Although frankly, if the A.B.C. crowd was smart they'd recruit themselves a governor or better yet a former governor...someone with brains and time on his or her hands to start doing the drudgework now.

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