Thursday, August 24, 2006

Crazy Christy Mihos limps along

thru the August doldrums. He has turned in his signatures to get on the ballot but other than that he and the Olde Milk Partei are running like molasses in winter. After two solid months of bad publicity about the Big Dig the Olde Milk Partei cannot rise much above 10% in the current polls.
The man looked tres' formidable a mere three months ago, but now? Pffft! Zingo! Blat!!
I have to wonder though, if Mihos. legit bona fides as the Cassandra of the Central Artery Project means anything to anyone outside Route 495?
Right now, not much is being seen of Mihos' alleged all-powerful barrel o' boodle...but then it is August and no one is watching.
On the other hand, the Olde Milk Partei's anemic 10% must be infusing Kerry Healey's campaign with some hope that if they can convince Mihos to drop out then Lt. Governor Barbie might rise within striking distance of Deval Patrick (who holds a ten point lead over Healey in the current polling).
Still and all that, Mihos hasn't put together a ticket that is any less credible than the shrill collection of aging pay-triots and country club rats that surround and buoy up Lt. Governor Healey.
So the question is, will that famously whimsical do-it-yourself pol, Christy Mihos stick it out til' Novemeber?
Remember, Healey doesn't have much to bargain with, Bay State GOP senate and congressional nominations are about as valuable as Enron shares these days. Perhaps the Viceroy could pull some strings in DC to get Christy a nice cushy ambassadorship someplace warm and calm.
But that supposition presupposes that Mitt Romney gives a hoot in hell as to what happens to Kerry Healey this fall.

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