Saturday, August 25, 2007

Idle numbers for the Fourth Middlesex

As of 12/31/2006 the campaign
accounts for the below listed candidates were:

Rep. Jim Marzilli, Arlington: $14,626
Rep. Jay Kaufman, Lexington: 2,827
Rep. Charles Murphy, Burlington, $37,411
Rep. William Greene, Billerica?$1,140

Sen. Robert Havern, Arlington: $104,012

Havern's money isn't in play this cycle he can't transfer it to anyone. That is bad news for Diane Mahon who is increasingly seen as the candidate of the Havern High Command. It is currently rumored that Havern's resignation & the subsequent special election are being orchestrated on behalf of Mahon, a longtime protege of Bob Havern's former campaign manager and advisor George Laite.
These numbers are six months old and don't reflect any current fundraising or the latent cash-gathering potential of any of the above State Representatives.
There are also rumors circulating in Arlington to the effect that former Selectman and Town Hall powerhouse Charlie Lyons might get into the senate race thus potentially dividing the Arlington vote into thirds. Lyons has a complicated history in the town (and a recent DUI conviction) but his status as a school headmaster up in Billerica gives him some traction outside of Arlington and could advantage him in a tight race if hr played his cards right.

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