Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The weasel vesus the loon

It would take an H.L. Mencken to properly describe the delights of Mitt Romney taking on Rudy Giuliani over the issue of illegal immigration.
Alas and alack all you've got is Humble Elias.
I shall try my best.
The participants in this late summer donnybrook can't be beat, on the one hand you've the egomaniacal former Mayor of New York, renowned for his scary wigginess and on the other, the ex Governor of Massachusetts whose capacity for phoniness makes plastic look like immutable granite.
Both these guys are scared, scared of any daylight getting between them and GOP's wingnuts, scared that their own records will somehow condemn them and scared they are of being called a sissy.
And so they rant and rave each trying to sound ever more tougher on the issue of "sanctuary cities" and the like. It is craven-ness played out with Wagnerian intensity. This is the core irony of the current GOP race for president, in the midst of sounding so truculent and manly, they are all to a man groveling in the most base and abject terms possible.
Doesn't get any better than this, it just doesn't.

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