Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Once a war-whooper...

Always a war whooper....check out this tantrum from Jeff Jacoby today, it is preemo.

And this, this is just a gem:
As the president horsed around in Beijing, posing with bikini-clad Olympic volleyball players, Russian ruler Vladimir Putin was directing Russian military operations against Georgia. The first response from the White House to Moscow's naked aggression was milquetoast: evenhanded mush about the need for "a stand-down by all troops.

Is this the same Jeff Jacoby who once burned incense at the marble feet of George Bush Jr and who shook his pom-poms like a epileptic when it came time to cheer lead for the current war?
Even he has seen the light?
Wow...geex you'd think he was reading this blog or something?

Good ghod that is a scary thought! Nevertheless all this just illustrates a timeworn Chimes at Midnight notion, that war whoopery is a sad debilitating addiction. Once you start you need bigger and bigger confrontations and wars to fill up that bomb crater in your soul. And so thus a mere six years after ineptly promising a cakewalk in Iraq, the same old gang of chickenhawks want the US to get into a shooting war with a nuclear armed state...something we've been trying to avoid since 1945.
In this case, Jacoby and Bill Kristol's gruesome dependence on the use of US military might has simply surged past the White House's capacity to enable.
What next, lower the top income tax bracket by nuking the US treasury?
The neocons insist that Georgia is akin to Czechoslovakia me it may well be George Bush and John McCain's Waterloo.
Far from validating their Manichean world view the current invasion of Georgia demonstrates how easy it is for despots and bandits to appropriate Bushian justifications for war.
Instead of making the USA more secure all Bush and his apologists have done is intensified the fabled Hobbesian war of "All against All" on terms disadvantageous to the USA.
Meanwhile the war whoopers screech on safe in their offices and cubicles...positive that one more big war will bring them the eschaton.
What we need now is realism and cunning not bombast and threats....

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