Friday, August 29, 2008

Who the hell is Sarah Palin?

The Governor of Alaska and John McCain's nominal vice presidential running mate.
At age 44 and having been elected in the most GOP-friendly state in the union aside from Utah, you can throw out the whole "Obama is too inexperienced" meme.
I think McCain must still think that Hillary Clinton and her supporters are still supposed to somehow get his boney ass elected president. I don't see this woman delivering much in the electoral department, Obama can breath a sigh of relief perhaps and push forward his plans in Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Virginia.

Other than that, is this the best qualified woman the GOP has to offer?? Really?
Because it appears that Senator McCain has labored long and hard this summer to dig up his own personal vice presidential Harriet Miers.

And then there is this idle factoid:

Don't get me wrong, all McCain has to do is successfully conclude the act of defecation in an appropriate compartment and his personal Amen chorus in the DC media screams his praises like the thuggee cult gone mad on crystal meth. I just don't see Governor Palin playing a heroic role in the campaign goin' forward...

Sorta makes you think what did Senator McCain do to so mortally piss off Kay Bailey Hutchison such that she wouldn't join the GOP ticket?

For that fact, would it kill anyone in the GOP to put Senator Hutchison's name in nomination for the VP sinecure?

Might be interesting goin' forward.

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