Thursday, October 30, 2008

No doubt about it...

Governor Sarah Palin is white trash with a chip on her shoulder the size of an aircraft carrier.
That alone is no bar to higher office, I mean look at Bill Clinton, the white trashiest president we have had in a century.
But Palin's lack of class goes waa-ay past mere gruesomeness and straight to treachery.
I mean, the campaign isn't even over yet and already she is talking about running for President in 2012!
Way to back the main guy up to the last ditch there, Sarah.
There have been timid or inept VP nominees, but Palin is a rare example of a stone cold traitor to the ticket.
For her to go up, she needs for McCain to go down.
Palin has calcualted that she needs to lay the groundwork now for a run in 2012.
A more skilled less self aggrandizing politician would artfully conceal this calculation til after the election. Sargent Shriver and Dan Quayle (neither of whom would be confused with an A-List statesman) could execute this sort of subterfuge with great ease.
Not Sarah Palin though, two months in the Vice Presidential limelight has always degraded her judgement to an appalling degree. A Nixonian egomania has revealed itself...too bad she doesn't have a tenth of Tricky Dick's native shrewdness...on second thought maybe that is a good thing in and of itself going forward.

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