Thursday, October 16, 2008

Some Joe to Go

For John McCain it all came down to pandering to a plumber from Ohio last night. Indeed by ten o'clock he was practically promising Joe Wurzelbacher the Danzig Corridor and free hookers for life...all in a sad tawdry bid to connect with the plain pee-pull.
Frankly McCain is never more pathetic than when he panders, as Matt Taibbi has noted the Arizona Senator is a shitty liar and when he grovels...well it ain't pretty.
Moreover, he is old and mangy looking, every one of these debates has shown McCain to remarkable disadvantage...who knew he whistled thru his teeth like Paul Harvey?
The clincher is, that Joe Wurzelbacher the above mentioned plumber made some pro-McCain noises after the debate but pointed declined to endorse the GOP nominee or even tell us who he was voting for.
Yipes all that pandering for nothing.
To me that indicates Mister Wurzelbacher perhaps plans to cut loose and vote for Bob Barr but that is naught but a guess.
Otherwise it was an excruciating debate to watch ninety minutes of airtime devoted to John McCain's ineffectual attempts to claw down Barack Obama...when attack politics go right it is appalling, when they are done poorly or impotently it is plainly embarrassing to watch.
Last night McCain pretty much humiliated himself, he complained about Obama "running against George Bush" but then again why is an old angry codger like McCain in this race but to avenge his loss to Bush in 2000?

Thru-out this campaign McCain has tried to make himself over into Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Bruce Wayne and now finally Earl K. Long in full rant mode....none of it has worked, thank ghod let us hope it stays that way.

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