Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Honest to Ghod...

But Sarah Palin could screw up a two car funeral.

Faced with a dire shooting rampage down in Arizona that requires nothing more than some niceties and little largeness of spirit, Sarah thrusts out her chin and screams like a stuck publicist that she and hers are all being libeled and persecuted.
Unbelievable, a few softs words and little thoughtfulness would be enough to master the situation and she cannot do it, all the former Governor can do is tastelessly cry poor mouth.
A rank amateur stumblebum like Mitt Romney would know exactly what soothing nothings to say in a situation like this (BTW haven't heard a thing from the former ViceRoy since Loughner opened fire, interesting eh)...but not Sarah it's all ME ME ME, MY SUFFERING MY DRAMA!
Frankly her fans can have her....I wish them the joy of this awful narcissistic politician.

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